The Influence of Management Commitment towards Business Performance through Supply Chain Management and Customer Relationship Management
Glesser Ivandianto, Zeplin Jiwa Husada Tarigan

The supplier and customer integration are built by a company to improve the business for the company. A company builds strong integration with its customers to enhance its competitiveness through the implementation of supply chain practice done continuously. The top tier management of a company is committed to improving business performance through supply chain management practice and customer relationship management in a big distribution company/distributor on the furniture products. This big furniture distributor has 47 retail stores in Indonesia, taking all the products from the distributor. The questionnaires were distributed to all the retail branch stores in Indonesia and 45 questionnaires were received with a 96% rate respond. The chosen respondents were employees with a level of supervisors and managers because of the authority they have that enables them to make decisions on supply chain management practices and customer relationship management as well as management commitment. The method of collecting the data is through distributing the questionnaires. To analyze the data, the writer used Partial Least Square (PLS). The findings show that customer relationship management has a positive influence on supply chain management, management commitment has a positive effect on customer relationship management, management commitment has a positive effect on supply chain practice, and supply chain management practice has a positive influence on business performance. The implementation of supply chain practice and customer relationship management to a big distributor gives the improvements on the company’s business performance.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jibe.v8n2a2