Impact of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth on Loyalty
Dr. Rahayu

To reduce the use of private cars and to shift to use Transjakarta bus, PT. Transportasi Jakarta as the management of Transjakarta bus tries to improve its service by adding new corridors and new buses. The purpose of this study is to analyze Impactof Service Quality, Costomer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth to Loyalty on bus Transjakarta in Jakarta ,Indonesia. Base on the aims of the study , hypotheses of the study are : 1) Service Quality influences on Loyalty ;2) Costomer Satisfaction influences on Loyalty ; 3) Word of Mouth Award influences on Loyalty. The study design used is a combination of verificative statistic and descriptive statistic, while research method used is survey approach, data are collected through self administered questionnaire completed by 275 respondents. Sampling technique is done by purpose sampling . The method of analysis uses descriptive statistic average and Structural Equation Modeling method by using software Lisrel for hipotheses testing. The result show on the descriptive analysis toward the variable used is positive and some are negative. The SEM result analysis toward the hypothesis test based on imphirical data of 2 hypotheses proven are service quality is proven to be significantly influence the loyalty, customer satisfaction is proven to be significantly influence the loyalty and. This is one only hypotheses result that is not proven that word of mouth does not influence loyalty.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jibe.v6n1a2