Exported Corruption and Its Enforcement: Factors and Relationships.
Jorge Mongay, D.B.A.

This research explains and analyzes information from the actual levels of “perceived corruption” in a list of 39 nations and their levels of “exported corruption”. Exported corruption is measured by the so called “enforcement levels”. This is stated by the sanctions that local governments put in place to their people and companies for bribing officers in other countries. This statement follows the OECD Convention on Anti-Briberyof 1997&2009. The study explores correlations on Bribe Payers Index (BPI), Corruption Perceptions Index(CPI) and the percentage of share in Global Exports into the levels of enforcement of the Anti-Bribery policies abroad signed and ratified by 41 nations (35 of them OECD members). The null hypothesis of the research H (0)gets accepted stating that the enforcement levels of exported corruption by governments of the countries are far away from a rational average. Also positive correlation appears between the former factors and their impact on the enforcement levels of the agreements.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jibe.v4n2a3